Icelandic Conversation Course (online)


Icelandic speaking course


Do you have questions about this Icelandic course? +34644016219 (phone & WhatsApp) +3548462553 | [email protected] | Messenger | Hours: Mo-Fr 14:30-22:30 CET/CEST


Are you looking for an Icelandic speaking course with live classes?

This Icelandic course is ideal for students who have finished Icelandic 4 (the A2 level in Icelandic). It doesn’t matter whether you live in the Greater Reykjavik Area or not since everything is online. Your classmates will be both in Iceland and other countries. You can take this course at home or work, as long as you have a good Internet connection and you’re in a noise-free environment.

Upon finishing Icelandic 4, you have three possible formative itineraries to choose from depending on your interests:

  • Continue with Icelandic 5
  • Take our reading course (My first book in Icelandic)
  • Take this Icelandic conversational course

Doing this course after Icelandic 4 is perfect since it’ll help you consolidate and expand the speaking skills you’ve acquired (and broaden the topics you can speak about). If you think you need more time before you take this speaking course, you can take Icelandic 5 or the reading course (My first book in Icelandic).

Classes take place in an online classroom with features to share the teacher’s screen with the students. The students and the teacher see and listen to each other as if they were in a brick-and-mortar classroom.

You only need a computer or a tablet (or a smartphone, but it may be uncomfortable) and a quality Internet connection. We recommend using a headset with a microphone, but it’s not essential.

Can’t attend a class or the hours don’t suit you? 📺

We record all our classes in Icelandic courses for students who can’t attend a specific class or any. Some students have taken our courses almost exclusively by watching the recordings and have been very successful. However, since this is a speaking course in which you need to practice, and you’d benefit the most from receiving feedback in class, we encourage you to attend to make out the most of the class. Sometimes this may not be possible, and watching the recordings may be your only chance to join a speaking course. In that case, join us even if it’s not the perfect scenario.


✅ Online classes, the best safety distance (COVID-19) 🦠👨‍🔬👩‍🔬🧫🧪


✅ Small groups, no more than ten live students 🔝


✅ Bonuses: this Icelandic course has several bonuses for its students. Keep reading to find out more 💰


❌No more class binges to make up for the trip to school. Let’s take advantage of IT 💻



Clases de islandés en Zoom


✅ Our online format allows you to take one class at a time. This way, you can digest the contents gradually and have your complete focus in each class.

Face-to-face Icelandic courses often teach two classes or more (intensive courses) so that students make up for the trip to school.

Taking more than one class about the same topic is not ideal from a pedagogical point of view. It’s one of the first things soon-to-be teachers learn in Psychology in Education studies. However, language schools insist on offering intensive courses with double and triple classes for organizational reasons (not because it’s the best way to learn). It isn’t easy to focus for such a long time and take advantage of the following classes. Attention drops after forty minutes.

Also, the course finishes too quickly, and students don’t have the time to digest what they’ve been learning. And Icelandic is a language that requires time to take in.

With online classes, you simply have to click a link to access wherever you are; there is no commute. Say goodbye to using time and money in transportation.


This course has 22 classes, each covering a different topic. This edition includes two more classes; their subjects will be announced later. The order of the topics could be different from this one:

  1. Health and introducing oneself and their family
  2. Food
  3. Summer
  4. Clothes
  5. Work
  6. Interests
  7. Age and aging
  8. My neighborhood
  9. (Tele)communication
  10. Domestic chores
  11. Christmas
  12. Travel
  13.  TV
  14. Sports
  15. Stress
  16. Social issues
  17. Things you can’t stand
  18. Seasons, weather, and global warming
  19. Money
  20. Manners
  21. TBA
  22. TBA


Requirements: skills according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages for the A2 level

To sign up for this conversation course, you need to have finished Icelandic 4 or have an A2 level in Icelandic (the last level for beginners).

This is the general description for the A2 level as it appears on Wikipedia:

Can understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment). Can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters. Can describe in simple terms aspects of their background, immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate need.

And more precisely, regarding each skill:

👂 Listening:

I can understand phrases and the highest frequency vocabulary related to areas of most immediate personal relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local area, employment). I can catch the main point in short, clear, simple messages and announcements.

📖 Reading:

I can read very short, simple texts. I can find specific, predictable information in simple everyday material such as advertisements, prospectuses, menus and timetables and I can understand short simple personal letters.

💬🗨 Spoken interaction:

I can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar topics and activities. I can handle very short social exchanges, even though I can’t usually understand enough to keep the conversation going myself.

🗯 Spoken production:

I can use a series of phrases and sentences to describe in simple terms my family and other people, living conditions, my educational background and my present or most recent job.

✍ Writing:

I can write short, simple notes and messages relating to matters in areas of immediate needs. I can write a very simple personal letter, for example thanking someone for something.


Your teacher

Bjarnfríður Sveinsbjörnsdóttir en un IronmanThis course’s teacher is Fríða Sveinsbjörnsdóttir. I met Fríða in some university subjects we had in common at Reykjavik University, and her Spanish impressed me. Coincidentally, we also took the same master’s degree in Translation and Interpreting at the University of Alcalá (Spain).

Fríða is a Reykjavikian who lives triathlon and other races. She loves discovering new places and learning new languages.

She has a diploma in Tourism, training as a flight attendant, a B. A. in Hispanic Philology, an M. A. in Translation and Interpreting, and another master’s degree in Education and public health. She has studied Arabic, Dutch, English, French, and Spanish.

She has experience as a teacher in different educational stages, as an editor, as a translator (we’ve collaborated), and in the aviation and tourism industry.


Your tutor

Fernán González Domingo, profesor de islandésMy name is Fernán González Domingo, and I’ll be your tutor in this course. Fríða teaches all the classes, but outside class hours, I’ll be in charge of your onboarding, answering all your questions, solving technical issues, coordinating communication with the group, etc. I teach all courses from Icelandic 1 to Icelandic 5, as well as My first book in Icelandic.

I have a B. A. in Icelandic as a Second Language, a diploma as a Specialist Teacher in Foreign Languages (English), and an official master’s degree in Intercultural Communication, Interpreting, and Translation in Public Services (English<>Spanish). Iceland’s Ministry of Education recognized me as a primary school teacher in 2008 (they validated my Education studies in Spain). In 2020 I passed the Icelandic examination to become a sworn translator from Icelandic into Spanish. I’ve been an interpreter in public services in Iceland (hospitals, health clinics, schools, service centers, police stations, courts, etc.), as well as for cultural events and multinationals.

I have years of experience as a teacher, both as an employee and self-employed, and I’ve worked independently since 2012. I am always learning a language and about second-language acquisition to improve my education as a teacher. More information.

Why do I think you should take this Icelandic course with us?

We are likely the biggest online school for Icelandic. We are better known in the Spanish-speaking community as most of our courses target Spanish speakers, but we have groups for people who speak other languages too. Our virtual classrooms have students living in Iceland and many other countries. Some of our students in other countries plan to move to Iceland or are passionate about the Icelandic language, culture, and Iceland.

Fríða and I have studied Education at university level and specialize in languages. Also, we both have experience as language learners beyond the usual “easy” languages. Many teachers have no qualifications as a teacher, and their mere merit is being a native speakers. We’ve gone further. Also, many teachers don’t have experience learning more complex languages (as is the case with Icelandic). We know what it’s like from experience and have a mindset that promotes learning languages.

Choose well

Some of our students who come from other schools complain about them. A great deal depends on the lack of training as an educator or even in Icelandic itself. Many teachers do something else for a living as their primary occupation instead of teaching Icelandic (intrusion/unqualified practice).

For example, the coronavirus crisis caused a great demand for Icelandic courses for the unemployed, who found out they needed Icelandic if they wanted another job. Because of this, there was a great need for teachers. These emergency teachers received a teaching course that took a month and a half, which was insufficient. Unfortunately, the results are the way they are.

Also, many students don’t know how to choose the right school for them. For example, they base their choice on having a native speaker, regardless of education, experience, etc. In other cases, students choose a school but don’t know who their teacher will be. You will always know this when you sign up and can ask every relevant question.

 Let's go!


Clear pronunciation

We emphasize pronunciation. The other person needs to understand you, and you’ll want to minimize the number of times an Icelander switches to English with you. There’s no need to have a native accent, but your Icelandic must be clear enough. Having a clear pronunciation in Icelandic helps you understand as well. As a bonus, you’ll learn many things about pronunciation in your mother tongue and Icelandic, and you’ll understand why you pronounce things the way you do (essential to know what to do).


This course requires no materials. Students do everything in class, and there is no homework (except reviewing or preparing the topics beforehand, depending on what each student deems best).


✅ Your free bonuses 💡📩


✅ Bonus #1: Free access to Snara during the course

Snara offers monolingual and bilingual dictionaries from and into Icelandic in the following languages: Danish, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Polish and Spanish. It also includes a database with recipes in Icelandic so that you can test your cooking skills and your Icelandic at the same time. Value: up to ISK 7,776 or €51 (our school has a key our students can use during their course, but it changes yearly, which means you may be able to access Snara for up to a year even after your course is over).

✅ Bonus #2 (for former students of Icelandic 1-5 only): A native revisor will correct your homework

As the number of students has grown and I teach more classes per week, it’s become more difficult for me to keep up with my students’ assignments. A native revisor can do this much quicker, which means you will receive personal feedback earlierValue: ISK 10,000 or €66). You’ll be able to submit homework from previous courses you’ve taken with us until after 30 days have passed since this course’s last class.

✅ Bonus #3: A planning tool for your success 🚀

Many students have good intentions and want to work on their own. However, the course flew, and they couldn’t do as much as they wanted due to a lack of planning. This bonus lets you plan all you want to do outside the virtual classroom (listen to podcasts, watch movies, series in Icelandic, etc.) Value: ISK 10,000 ISK or €66.

✅ Bonus #4: A resource list in Icelandic you can enjoy on your own 📺📓

You’ll receive a PDF with links to resources to watch Icelandic movies, series, etc. You’ll also discover where you can find free ebooks in Icelandic (including audiobooks) or how to buy ebooks in Icelandic for your ebook reader (Kindle). Value: ISK 14,000 or €92.

✅ Bonus 5: Accountability buddy 👦👩

I pair each student with another so that they share their progress and what they’ve done in Icelandic weekly. An accountability buddy helps you stay accountable to yourself and motivates you to do more. Many people establish new year resolutions such as learning a language but only around 8% reach their goal. An accountability buddy helps you turn the tables, making things go your way, while they make you more responsible for your progress. Many start an Icelandic course, and suddenly, they see they’re in the last class and haven’t done as much as they wanted. Value: ISK 14,000 or €92.

🔑 Next round: live classes start on January 9th, 2023

  • Twenty-two live classes on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays (that is, Wednesdays off). Classes begin on Monday, January 9th, 2023. Courses don’t have a final definitive date since the course could need an extension (for example, if the teacher is ill or has a personal/professional commitment on a particular day).
  • Hours: 21:00-21:55 CET (Central European Time). It’s the same as 20:00-20:55 Icelandic time (if you live in another country, check this converter).
  • Five students must register and pay for the course to start. Students will receive a refund if we can’t launch the round.
  • If you’re reading this after the start date, don’t worry. You can watch the recording of the classes we’ve already done and attend the rest.

The round starts on January 9th, 2023, and finishes when we’ve done all 22 classes. Sign up in the form below.



How much is this Icelandic course? With all the bonuses, the value is up to ISK 92,076 or €604, but you don’t have to pay this. All final prices have been rounded in both currencies.


If you sign up and pay before December 31st, 2022, 23:59 CET, you have a 10% discount. This is our special offer:


ISK 88,376 ISK 32,600 or €213





ISK 92 076 o €604 ISK 36,300 or €237


This course has twenty-two 55-minute classes. Sign up early to catch this deal.


All employees in Iceland are unionized, and most unions offer refunds for courses to their members. Ask your union to learn more about your situation (whether you’re eligible) and how much you could get back before signing up for this course. Let me know if you need your invoice to be in a specific format so that you can benefit from their training grants. The refund can be up to 100% of this course, which makes the course free or very affordable and prevents money from being an obstacle for your Icelandic. If you live in another country, ask your union or another institution. You may be able to access some grants.

Putting grants in perspective with the early-bird discount: with a 75% discount, this course with 22 classes costs ISK 7,325 (each class would cost about 333 ISK); with a 50% refund, it’d be ISK 14,650 (around ISK 666).

Don’t forget this course has several bonuses

Contract conditions

  1. Students pay for the course in advance, and payment formalizes reserving a seat. Students will receive an invoice in their email as proof of payment as soon as the course is confirmed (when five students have paid). Places are granted depending on who makes the reservation earlier (on a first-come, first-served basis). For the course to start, five students must have formalized their registration. If there are fewer students than five, students will receive a 100% refund.
  2. Once the seat is reserved, there are no tuition refunds due to the course’s fixed costs unless other students on the waiting list formalize their registration. If the course has already started, the return will be proportional to the course’s unused part if another person substitutes the person leaving the course.
  3. The teacher of this course is Bjarnfríður Sveinsdóttir. Still, in case of illness or due to professional or personal commitments, another teacher can replace her if we consider the teacher will not be available for a long time. If no teacher is available, if the course’s dates need an extension, Fernán González Domingo will try to find a solution so that all students receive the classes they have contracted.
  4. Etiquette: out of respect for your classmates and the teacher, you must attend classes alone in a quiet room with your camera on. By default, all attendees have their microphones open to ask questions when they want, as in a face-to-face classroom. However, if there is noise, your microphone will be turned off (it will be reactivated when you need to ask something or participate; the virtual classroom has a feature to raise your hand). If you are in a situation where this is not possible, asks Fernán González Domingo about private lessons that could better fit what you need. It is not allowed to photograph, copy/reproduce, record, or distribute the classes’ content. Failure to follow these instructions or disrespect other students or the teacher may result in the student’s expulsion from that class or the course (no refund).

You can contact me by email or Messenger if you have any questions.

Online course signup

    Currency and payment method:

    IMPORTANT: Have you finished Icelandic 4 or the A2 level in another school or through self-study?

    🌍 Would you like to take this course in Spanish?


    OFFICER: Fernán González Domingo (Fernán González)

    PURPOSE: Execution of a contract-Consent of the interested party.

    GROUNDS: Consent of the interested party.

    RECIPIENTS: The data will not be transferred to third parties except by legal obligation.

    RIGHTS: You can exercise at any time your rights of access, rectification, deletion, limitation, opposition, and other rights legally established through the following e-mail: [email protected].

    ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: You can consult the additional and detailed information on data protection here.

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